Friday, May 27, 2011

Embarrassing Eliza

I just have to say that I hate being embarrassed. I mean really hate it, avoid it at all costs kind of hate it. Also, I don't think I get embarrassed too easily so situations that others may find embarrassing I really don't. Like my sister Tara's story about the ObGyn I don't think would really embarrass me too much because I just tell myself those guys see that kind of stuff all day every day and it's no big deal. So, I don't have too many stories that I can recall because I think I must block most of them from my memory. My husband says it's because I'm guarded and I definitely think that's true.

I've walked into a tree because I was looking the other way, forgotten the steps to dance routines at the recitals, and backed into somebody's car in the parking lot. But nowadays most of my embarrassing moments revolve around the things my children say and do. I think these ones embarrass me the most right now because I feel like people think that everything your kids do is a reflection of you and your parenting. But whatever, I really do try and not worry about that kind of stuff too much. Anywho, here's a few of my most memorable (wish I could wipe them from my memory) embarrassing moments.

Dead Weight
When I was a teenager one Sunday I was at church and I had to get up and leave before the meeting was over. But my foot was seriously asleep and when I stood up to leave I could hardly move. I wanted to just slip out quickly and quietly but I couldn't. I kept trying to take a step but my leg was dead weight, like flopping, dragging, bending at the ankle, dead weight and I had heels on making it virtually impossible to walk. I felt trapped, I couldn't go back and sit down and I just wanted to get out of there, but short of crawling on my hands and knees I didn't know what to do. I just had to hobble and hop with my foot bending and dragging slowly out of there with a bunch of people sitting there thinking "what is wrong with that girl?"

Noisy Newlyweds
Just sharing this story is embarrassing to me. But whatever, when we were first married we lived on the second floor of our apartment complex. Right below us lived an adorable little 6 year old girl and her single mother. One day in passing we stopped and were chatting with them and the daughter asked us what all the noise was above her bedroom. She said it was really loud and squeaky. Um, how do you answer that? Gee sorry, I guess we better stop jumping on the bed! I'm pretty sure her mom was more embarrassed than I was, but I was pretty mortified!

Have a Seat
One Sunday about 3 years ago, when I was pregnant with my youngest son we walked into church late and there were no seats available. We were relegated to the very back on the noisy wood floor and we had to set up our own chairs so pretty much the whole congregation was aware of the fact that we were late. When a few chairs were set up I went to sit down on one and just as I was bending down to sit my husband scooted the chair over and I fell loud and hard. The clamoring type of fall that causes everyone to turn and look. My poor husband felt so bad, he didn't realize I was going to sit down and I was horrified. Just the feeling of falling when you aren't expecting it and then having everyone staring at you to see what happened, not good and super embarrassing.

I hope you've enjoyed me reliving my humiliation!


Michelle said...

I feel like hearing about someone's embarrassing stories makes it so you can get to know them on a whole new level. Was I there when you fell at church? I don't think I was but I do remember the story. So funny. I loved all of them.

Tara said...

Hahaha! I can just see you blushing! Those are some good ones! I would die if that happened to me in church!

Aliece said...

I have totally had my foot fall asleep in heals at church! How funny! Lol at the newlywed story! I can't stand it when they don't have enough chairs set up at church. Thanks for sharing!