I have a tween daughter. Well, she's only nine so I'm not sure if she even really qualifies for that since I don't know what the technical ages are for "tweens". Is it double digits only (10-12) prior to becoming a full-fledged teenager? Who knows? So whatever, she's tall enough, emotional enough and mature enough in my eyes to be labeled a tween. Heaven only knows what we are in for when she really does become a teenager.
She's a very imaginitive girl and she likes to be artistic. Probably one of her favorite art forms is "found art". Don't know what that is? Well, basically it's when people take garbage and turn it into something artistic, you know the type, right? I think it takes a special kind of person to create this kind of art, no really, I do. I am definitely not one of them. It has taken me a while to learn to not get frustrated with my daughter for her dumpster diving. Ok, so she has yet to actually jump into a dumpster, but she is not above digging through our house garbage cans. I cannot tell you how many times I have found something in her room that I recently tossed in the trash.
So all of this leads me to my point, which is... I'm worried my daughter may turn into a hoarder. A few weeks ago while shopping at Goodwill 50% off day she approached me and her dad with some trinket that she wanted to buy. I sighed and asked her if she really needed it. Of course, she always thinks she needs something so I shouldn't even bother to ask. Then I make the mistake of telling her that I think she may be turning into a hoarder. She has watched the shows with me on A&E and she is just as fascinated by them as I am and for me to say this to her was extremely upsetting. She immediately got mad at me. So I said "well, you're probably just a pre-hoarder, but I can kinda see you heading down that path." This did not help. It only made her madder. Then her father pipes up, "yeah, you're a 'twoarder' that's a tween hoarder." He and I chuckled and had great fun at her expense.
Needless to say she did not get whatever junk it was that she wanted at the store that day. And just to show you what I'm talking about as far as the hoarding goes I thought I would post some pics of her room. I cleaned it out the other day because I could not stand looking at it anymore and sometimes no matter how many times you ask your kids to clean their room it's never going to get done quite to your expectations. Granted, I will cut her a little slack because of the living situation (we have been living with my parents for a little while and she has been sharing a room with her brothers) but really she was pretty much like this before we moved back to AZ.
Is this normal? All of thistrash, junk, ahem, stuff was found under the bed. And let me just say that this was not all of it.
What girl doesn't have an American Girl catalog under her bed?
This was an interesting treasure I found under there. A lego treasure chest filled with lego hands, how morbid!
And really, any spelling bee champ should have one of these under her bed.
This one made me smile. Especially the misspelling of the word "excel" (rule 1).
A pillbox turned into doggie bed.
#1 made me laugh, #4 made me cry (although I certainly don't miss a snowy winter I do feel bad that my kids do).
Doll socks and shoes inside a Sucrets box inside a Valentine's treat box.
I know it could be worse, but honestly that's what I'm afraid of, it could be worse!!!
She's a very imaginitive girl and she likes to be artistic. Probably one of her favorite art forms is "found art". Don't know what that is? Well, basically it's when people take garbage and turn it into something artistic, you know the type, right? I think it takes a special kind of person to create this kind of art, no really, I do. I am definitely not one of them. It has taken me a while to learn to not get frustrated with my daughter for her dumpster diving. Ok, so she has yet to actually jump into a dumpster, but she is not above digging through our house garbage cans. I cannot tell you how many times I have found something in her room that I recently tossed in the trash.
So all of this leads me to my point, which is... I'm worried my daughter may turn into a hoarder. A few weeks ago while shopping at Goodwill 50% off day she approached me and her dad with some trinket that she wanted to buy. I sighed and asked her if she really needed it. Of course, she always thinks she needs something so I shouldn't even bother to ask. Then I make the mistake of telling her that I think she may be turning into a hoarder. She has watched the shows with me on A&E and she is just as fascinated by them as I am and for me to say this to her was extremely upsetting. She immediately got mad at me. So I said "well, you're probably just a pre-hoarder, but I can kinda see you heading down that path." This did not help. It only made her madder. Then her father pipes up, "yeah, you're a 'twoarder' that's a tween hoarder." He and I chuckled and had great fun at her expense.
Needless to say she did not get whatever junk it was that she wanted at the store that day. And just to show you what I'm talking about as far as the hoarding goes I thought I would post some pics of her room. I cleaned it out the other day because I could not stand looking at it anymore and sometimes no matter how many times you ask your kids to clean their room it's never going to get done quite to your expectations. Granted, I will cut her a little slack because of the living situation (we have been living with my parents for a little while and she has been sharing a room with her brothers) but really she was pretty much like this before we moved back to AZ.
Is this normal? All of this
This post is cracking me up! She is so funny! I get to the point where I feel like I have so much stuff and I just start throwing it all away. This really made me miss Gracie and all of your kids.
Ah! That Gracie, she is hilar. I'm suprised you didn't find any food remnants...My personal fave was the dog in the pill box. Scarlet would most definitely appreciate that one too. Love you guys, I can tell moving this weekend will be fun.
I learned a long time ago not to clean my kids bedrooms. I just keep the door closed and eventually they will get tired of it and do it themselves. I must admit, though, this IS SO funny.
Eliza how we will miss you and your children. I gotta be honest... not the mess though. I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Even when you thought I didn't! Gracie is a one in a million. She is GOLD! I love, love, love all my grand children!!!! Is that weird?
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