Friday, May 6, 2011

Feeling Old

I think she looked pretty awesome rockin' that sweet 80s hairdo! And I totally burned her forehead with the curling iron.

Today was 80s day at school. Hmmm, I went to elementary school for like almost the whole decade of the 80s. Nothing like that to make you realize you ain't no spring chicken anymore. That's when you know you're gettin' old- when your kids are memorializing your decade in dress up days at school! Unfortunately, I'm already getting to the point where I am lamenting the fact that my children are growing up in this "day and age" and I wish they could have grown up in "simpler times". Because the 80s were such a nice long ago decade in which I grew up in.
I've already regaled them with tales of having to actually get up and change the channel on the TV (honestly!) And of telephones that were attached to the wall (gasp!) And of life without the Internet (the horror!) And when you actually had to use pencil and paper to pass notes to your friend (what?!) It's true. Hard to believe, I know, even for my younger sisters.
I'm not really the kind of person who worries much about my age. In fact, sometimes lately I don't even remember how old I am. (Hmm, maybe that's a bad sign.) I have always felt young, sort of ageless, getting older doesn't bother me. I don't dwell on wrinkles or dread my birthdays. I don't get depressed about getting closer to 40 (other things yes, but we won't go there right now...) But today for some reason I started to feel old. The older I get the younger 60 looks, maybe that's a sign of aging. The older I get the stranger my children's generation seems to me. Maybe this is a wake up call for me. I need to get back in touch with my inner child. You are only as old as you feel, right? Or something like that.

I plan on living until at least 100 so I need to keep on feeling young for a long time still, since I'm only 1/3 of the way there! Whenever you see a person who lives to be 100 aren't they just the cutest little old person ever! They seem to just really embrace life and live it to the fullest, as much as you can at that age anyway! This is my life's goal, to be one of those cute little old people! Living with my 70 year old kids, I can't wait! :) Only one condition, all my kids need to outlive me!

And the best thing to come from the 80s was the Goonies, of course!

Goonies Never Say Die!!!


Tara said...

Haha! You burned her head? No wonder she doesn't want you to do her hair! Did you use Mom's famous, well beauty is pain quote, too? No, no don't feel bad it happens. You really do seem to embrace age better than most people I know, and I think I have it figured out as to why. It's because you started having kids early and that always makes someone seem younger. That's my theory anyways. Seriously, you want to live to be a 100? You go girl!

Grannie Wright said...

I get to feeling old when I realize I've missed blogs. Beauty is pain. I remeber burning a few heads not on purpose of course. 60 is pretty dang close to me now! We miss you already!!!!!